Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy

Founded to serve any family committed to Catholic Education, Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy educates every child in a Christ-centered environment providing both an excellent education and a strong moral foundation in a culturally diverse Catholic community. We are committed to diversity, accessibility and excellence by providing an innovative Catholic bilingual education.

Fundada para servir a cualquier familia comprometida con la educación católica, Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy educa a cada niño en un entorno centrado en Cristo, brindando una educación excelente y una base moral sólida en una comunidad católica culturalmente diversa. Estamos comprometidos con la diversidad, la accesibilidad y la excelencia al brindar una educación católica bilingüe innovadora.

Puertas Abiertas

Te invitamos a que te unas a nosotros en un evento de puertas abiertas el jueves 30 de enero de 4 a 6 p. m. Podrás recorrer la escuela, conocer a nuestro personal, ver el trabajo de los estudiantes y descubrir todo lo que Holy Rosary tiene para ofrecer. Tanto las familias interesadas como las familias actuales son bienvenidas a asistir.

Open House

We invite you to join us for an Open House event on Thrusday, January 30 from 4-6 PM. You will be able to tour the school, meet our staff, see student work and find out all that Holy Rosary has to offer! Both interested families and current families are welcome to attend.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Connect with us

A child's education is one of the most important investments you can make. Connect with Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy to learn about the impact a Catholic bilingual education can have on your child and your family. 

(253) 272-7012
